

I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength.

-Philippians 4:12-13

    Happiness isn’t just something that comes naturally in every situation. In fact, it’s a lot easier to complain than it is to choose to be positive during a tough situation. But what good comes from complaining? The answer is nothing. You get nothing from complaining and although it may be easier to be negative, the outcome of choosing happiness in any given situation comes with immediate positive results!
Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become your character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.
    Basically, your thoughts affect your destiny. If you think positive thoughts you will generally live a happier, better life than you would if all you focus on is the negativity in a situation. Thinking happy will not mess up your schedule, and it will not cost any money, but it will be the best investment you can make!
    A mistake a lot of millennials tend to make is looking for happiness in other people, materialistic things, or success. I’ve seen so many girls believe that they will be genuinely happy if they can just get the boyfriend that they want, or hang out with the “right” group of people, or get the car of their dreams. While getting these things may make us happy for a little while, they can never provide us with true happiness in the long run. Instead of trying to find happiness in unreliable things, which will always lead to disappointment, look for happiness in the one thing that is never changing, God. If we have a relationship with God and do his will, he will provide us with true lifelong happiness. He knows exactly what we need to be truly happy and he will lead us in that direction when we rely fully on him to find our happiness.
    “Positive thinking doesn’t just happen. It’s something you have to do on purpose.” -Joyce Meyer
    Sometimes bad things happen. Sometimes we lose friends or go through a tough breakup. When things like that happen it’s very easy to fall into the pit of negativity and self-pity, but I’m here to tell you that it isn’t the end of the world and you can still choose happiness even in times of despair. God has a reason for doing everything! It’s alright to be sad for a little while but don’t dwell in it. Choose to be thankful that you had the experience in the first place and excited for what God has in store for you! When you choose happiness in a situation where you ‘shouldn’t be happy’ in the definition of society, you stand out. People will notice, and they will question, and that provides the perfect opportunity to share the joy of the Lord that is equally as available to them.
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.        -Romans 8:28
   Thinking happy doesn’t only affect the quality of your own life, but the lives of people around you as well. Choosing to be happy even in tough situations is a way others can see Christ shining in your life and give them the desire to have the same! So when you wake up every morning choose to be happy, because God loves you and he sent his only son to die on the cross so that you could live a life filled with hope, love, and happiness.

11 thoughts on “HAPPINESS IS A CHOICE

  1. DietFads says:

    Exactly how I have actually decided to live my life. When I started to get into my weight loss journey I learned to truly love myself and make myself so genuinely happy that regardless if someone else was there or not my happiness was there. I stopped depending on other people for happiness because that is giving them too much power over our emotions! I know many people that still need to read this and grow their self love and happiness! Great job hitting an important topic for us millennials!!


  2. forherfreedom says:

    I love this so much! I had a young friend who was terminally ill and she was the most joyful person even toward the end of her life. I catch myself sometimes and think “you know, if she could be that happy in all that she was going through, why can’t I rely on God for the same joy?” Thanks for this blog!


  3. BalanceWithErin says:

    There is so much truth to the benifits of positive thoughts! I find as a human, my initial reaction or thought of something isn’t always the best however after thinking about a situation I can always find the good in everything.


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